On the low carb diet, it is recommended to consume an average of 1800 calories per day. The nutritional list corresponding to this calorie can be given as follows:
Breakfast (37 g. Carbs and 500 calories)
1 boiled egg 1 cup of diet milk, 1 cup of cooked oatmeal, 10 chopped walnuts. (It can be consumed in the form of a mixture.) Lunch (31 g. Carbs and 500 calories)
20 grams of boiled salmon 2 cups lettuce 1 medium apple 6 salty biscuits Evening (31 g. Carbs and 500 calories)
120 grams of grilled steak 1 medium baked potato 2 cups of broccoli with 2 teaspoons of olive oil added Snack (9 gr. Carbohydrates and 160 calories)
1 cup of strawberries 30 grams of cheddar cheese Source: www.nevilife.com
A different low carb list is recommended as an alternative to this list:
2 eggs 4 ham 5 olives 50 grams of feta cheese (2 matchboxes) 1 bowl of spinach roasted in coconut oil Lunch
Zucchini and sautéed broccoli 150 grams of turkey Green salad with 1 tablespoon olive oil and mustard dressing Evening meal
100 grams of salmon or 50 grams of dried meat, Asparagus with cheddar cheese (can be replaced with 1 plate of yogurt and 1 green apple)