About Us
Welcome to Gless Pena & Nevilife Cosmetich and Health Products
Gless Pena – Nevilife studies started 20 years ago. My father is making these products. He is a herbalist. Also its not new for him because he was born in yuruk tent on the Mediterranean slopes of Anatolia. So he and his family related with herba their whole life. My father's family are yuruk which means turkish nomads in Anatolia. In his childhood and to be tonsil, my grandma was using herbal mixture for them to heal them. Also she saw from her mom and grandma. Our culture is related with herbal medicine. Almost 20 years ago my father started working and studying herbal care. First, he started with traditions and then studied on herbal medicine. He became a label reader many years ago about herbal medicine. Also he was studying herbal information on old books and still learning from family relatives. After these 20 years he found remedy of many diseases. We produce these products by ourselfs. Also we never use any chemical sources. What he saw from grandma’s methods and just to use herbal for natural protection. No side affects. This is more than a passion for him. First of all he wants to protect family also wants to every parents to keep their family safe with confidently. Our mission is to protect while we treating them with natural and special formula. So we are in online selling webside now to introduce our products to the World and to protect people's health with safely.
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