What causes varicose veins? Many factors play a role in the formation mechanism of varicose veins. Varicose veins may occur due to pregnancy, obesity, standing for a long time, certain occupations, being a woman, birth control pills and hormone treatments, wearing tight clothes, constipation, old age and genetic factors.Varicose veins occur as a result of insufficiency of the venous valve. The blood constantly runs back and pools. This leads to increased pressure and swelling in the vein. Over time, the expansion of the vein increases and curls occur. Varicose veins can occur at any level of the veins. There may be venous insufficiency in the groin, as well as lower leg insufficiency. Sometimes the cause of varicose may be a clot in a vein. Blood pools behind the clogged vein and the vein expands. Nevilife Varicose Veins Oil Helps to Get Rid Of Varicoses on the Leg.👉NEVILIFE VARICOSE VEIN HEALING OIL👈What are the symptoms of varicose veins?The main complaints caused by varicose veins are:Blue purple bumps on legsPainFeeling of heaviness in the legsswelling in the legsnumbness in the legsItchingNevilife Varicose Veins Oil Helps to Get Rid Of Varicoses on the Leg.Are there different types of heirs?heirs; It is divided into three as capillary varices, reticular varices and great vein varices. Capillary varicose veins are called telangiectasia. These varicose veins are usually formed as a result of cracking of capillaries. They resemble a spider web in appearance. They are common in young women who are pregnant and using hormones. 👉NEVILIFE VARICOSE VEIN HEALING OIL👈Reticular varicose veins are slightly raised and blue in color, mostly seen behind the knee and around the ankle.Varicose veins occur as a result of the insufficiency of the great vein called the saphenous vein in the leg. They become quite fluffy and greenish from the skin. They show all the symptoms of varicose veins.Nevilife Varicose Veins Oil Helps to Get Rid Of Varicoses on the Leg.