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Nevilife Relaxing Blend

Nevilife Relaxing Blend

Regular price $19.99 USD
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%100 Natural Herbal Oil Extracts

Relaxing & Calming Relief Blend Oil, Better Sleep in Bed Time Chamomile Extracts, Chamomile Essential Oil, Organic Pure Anxiety Relief Oil

👉Ingredients: Nevilife relaxing essential oil blend mixed by chamomile oil extracts and rosemaey oil exracts. All our essential oils is made by %100 natural content and there is not chemical, alcohol-Free.

👉How to Use: You should apply under the feet and neck and shoulder with gently massage.

♦️Benefits of Realix Blend Essential Oil

👉It has a relaxing feature in eliminating the tension and insomnia problems experienced as a result of psychological problems caused by anxiety and depression. Also it may provide well sleep in bed time.

👉If you need better sleep this relaxing blend may improve sleeping quality. Chamomiles contain an antioxidant called apigenin, which binds to certain specific receptors in the brain that reduce insomnia and induce sleep. After applied relaxing blend, it may ensure better sleep.

👉Rosemary oil is used as an effective massage oil against headaches, migraines, menstrual pain and stomach cramps. If you mixed it with chamomile with enough, it helps to taking more relaxing.

👉When mixed chamomile essential oil and rosemary esssential oil this organic blend may relaxing anxiety. It reduces stress and anxiety, shows antidepressant properties.

Comfort sleep with organic relaxing and calming chamomile essential oil and rosemary essential oil extracts blend.

These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration (FDA). Products on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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